
Showing posts from November 8, 2016

Dog Gets A Taste Of A Sour Warhead And Is Not Happy About It

Dog Gets A Taste Of A Sour Warhead And Is Not Happy About It All he got was a little taste, but that's all it took for him to decide he's more of a savory dog than a sour dog. November 8, 2016 at 08:06PM

Senators demand Mylan repay Pentagon $50 million for EpiPen

Senators demand Mylan repay Pentagon $50 million for EpiPen Pentagon spending on EpiPen rose to $57 million over the past year from $9 million in 2008. Now, a group of Senators is looking for Mylan to refund a big chunk of that.

Article of the day for November 9, 2016

Article of the day is William Howard Taft. Check it out:

Senators demand Mylan repay Pentagon $50 million for EpiPen

Senators demand Mylan repay Pentagon $50 million for EpiPen

Dog Gets A Taste Of A Sour Warhead And Is Not Happy About It

Dog Gets A Taste Of A Sour Warhead And Is Not Happy About It

Picture of the day for November 9, 2016

Picture of the day on November 9, 2016: Berlin Cathedral at night as seen from the west. On the right in the background the Fernsehturm (tv tower) can be seen.

puissance: Word of the day for November 9, 2016

puissance , n : Power, might or potency. (equestrianism) Often Puissance: The high-jump component of the sport of show jumping.

Picture of the day for November 9, 2016

Berlin Cathedral at night as seen from the west. On the right in the background the Fernsehturm (tv tower) can be seen..

Article of the day for November 9, 2016

The Article of the day for November 9, 2016 is William Howard Taft . William Howard Taft (1857–1930) was the 27th President of the United States (1909–1913) and the 10th Chief Justice of the United States (1921–1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft initially served as a state and federal judge, and as governor of the Philippines beginning in 1900. In 1904 Theodore Roosevelt made him Secretary of War. Taft declined repeated offers to become a Supreme Court justice. He was Roosevelt's hand-picked successor in 1908, and easily defeated William Jennings Bryan for the presidency. In the White House, he focused on the Far East more than Europe, and repeatedly intervened in Latin America. Taft was allied with the conservative wing of the Republican Party, while Roosevelt became more liberal after 1909. Roosevelt unsuccessfully challenged Taft for renomination in 1912, then bolted the party and ran as a third-party candidate. The split in the Republican vote left Taft wit...

puissance: Word of the day for November 9, 2016

Word of the day is puissance : Power, might or potency. (equestrianism) Often Puissance: The high-jump component of the sport of show jumping.