
catch-as-catch-can: Word of the day for April 16, 2016

Word of the day is catch-as-catch-can : (idiomatic) Only when possible or when the opportunity presents itself; intermittent. (wrestling) Relating to catch wrestling, a form of amateur freestyle wrestling.

catch-as-catch-can: Word of the day for April 16, 2016

catch-as-catch-can , adj : (idiomatic) Only when possible or when the opportunity presents itself; intermittent. (wrestling) Relating to catch wrestling, a form of amateur freestyle wrestling.

Russia Is Making The Most Russian Movie Possible

Russia Is Making The Most Russian Movie Possible

Russia Is Making The Most Russian Movie Possible

Russia Is Making The Most Russian Movie Possible What's that? It's called "Guardians: Soviet Union Superheroes"? And it features a bear-headed man? Are we sure Vladimir Putin didn't produce this? April 15, 2016 at 07:55PM

Picture of the day for April 16, 2016

Picture of the day on April 16, 2016: Ceiling frescos in Sonntagberg Basilica (Lower Austria) by Daniel Gran († 16th April 1757)

Picture of the day for April 16, 2016

Ceiling frescos in Sonntagberg Basilica (Lower Austria) by Daniel Gran († 16th April 1757).

Article of the day for April 16, 2016

Article of the day is John the bookmaker controversy. Check it out: