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Health Care Debate: Obamacare Repeal Fails as McCain Votes No

Health Care Debate: Obamacare Repeal Fails as McCain Votes No John McCain, along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, voted with Democrats in the early morning hours of Friday to reject the Senate GOP's "skinny repeal" bill.

Picture of the day for July 29, 2017

The Skaftafellsheiði plateau, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland, provides a picturesque view of Skaftafellsjökull, a glacier terminus of the Vatnajökull, the adjacent glacier lake below, and River Skeiðará originating from it..

Don't Stop Halfway Down A Waterslide. Just Don't

Don't Stop Halfway Down A Waterslide. Just Don't

Don't Stop Halfway Down A Waterslide. Just Don't

Don't Stop Halfway Down A Waterslide. Just Don't The blame here is with the waterpark employees who sent another person down the slide, but still, you can't stop on the slide. July 28, 2017 at 01:35PM

tertiary: Word of the day for July 29, 2017

Word of the day is tertiary : Of third rank or order; subsequent. (chemistry) Possessing some quality in the third degree; especially having been subjected to the substitution of three atoms or radicals. (ornithology) Of quills: growing on the innermost joint of a bird's wing; tertial.