
matchy-matchy: Word of the day for August 5, 2017

matchy-matchy , adj : (fashion) Of clothes or upholstery: excessively color-coordinated. Twins Days, a festival celebrating multiple births, takes place annually in Twinsburg, Ohio, USA, during the first full weekend of August.

Article of the day for August 5, 2017

The Article of the day for August 5, 2017 is Name-letter effect . The name-letter effect is the tendency of people to prefer the letters in their name over other letters in the alphabet. Discovered in 1985 by the Belgian psychologist Jozef Nuttin, the effect has been replicated in dozens of studies. Whether subjects are asked to rank all letters of the alphabet, rate letters individually, choose one of two letters, or pick a small set of letters, on average people prefer the letters in their own name, but few are aware that they are choosing letters from their name. The effect has been attributed to the fact that most people associate their names with themselves, and like themselves. People who do not like themselves tend not to exhibit the name-letter effect. In psychological assessments, the Name Letter Preference Task is widely used to estimate implicit self-esteem. There is some evidence that people have been influenced by the name-letter effect even when making important decision...

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.

Man Barely Dodges An Out Of Control Rescue Helicopter As It Crashes Into Mountain

Man Barely Dodges An Out Of Control Rescue Helicopter As It Crashes Into Mountain Luckily, neither the man nor the people on board the helicopter were seriously harmed when it crashed on Austria's Grossglockner mountain. August 4, 2017 at 01:35PM

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

Man Barely Dodges An Out Of Control Rescue Helicopter As It Crashes Into Mountain

Man Barely Dodges An Out Of Control Rescue Helicopter As It Crashes Into Mountain

Picture of the day for August 5, 2017

Female Red-billed streamertail (Trochilus polytmus). Like Usain Bolt, this hummingbird is a Jamaican endemic.