Dome in the interior of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. The mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the oldest still standing buildings in Iran and it has been continuously changed its architecture since it was erected in 771 until the 20th century..
ghit , n : (Internet) Contraction of Google hit: a hit obtained using the search engine Google. The American Internet technology company Google was founded on this day in 1998.
Picture of the day on September 4, 2017: Dome in the interior of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. The mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the oldest still standing buildings in Iran and it has been continuously changed its architecture since it was erected in 771 until the 20th century.
Blink And You'll Miss This New Rubik's Cube World Record Congrats to Patrick Ponce for shaving .05 seconds off the previous record, and a preemptive congratulations to the next record setter who'll surely solve the cube so fast it explodes in their hands. September 3, 2017 at 09:53PM