
Picture of the day for October 23, 2017

Picture of the day on October 23, 2017: Colombian Air Force Sikorsky UH-60L Arpía III (S-70A-41) just after having launched several flares.

Article of the day for October 23, 2017

The Article of the day for October 23, 2017 is Blackbeard . Blackbeard (Edward Teach, c. 1680 – 1718) was an English pirate who operated around the West Indies and the eastern coast of the American colonies. He was probably born in Bristol, but little is known about his early life. He may have served on privateer ships during Queen Anne's War before he joined the crew of Benjamin Hornigold, a pirate who operated from the Caribbean island of New Providence. In the Queen Anne's Revenge, a renamed merchant vessel, Teach blockaded the port of Charles Town, South Carolina, with an alliance of pirates. After successfully ransoming its inhabitants, he settled in Bath Town, but soon returned to piracy. He was attacked and killed near Ocracoke Island by a crew seeking the reward for his capture. A shrewd and calculating leader, he avoided the use of force, and there are no accounts that he ever harmed his captives. Following his death, his image was romanticised, becoming the inspirati...

nocebo: Word of the day for October 23, 2017

nocebo , n : (pharmacology, also attributive) A substance which a patient experiences as harmful due to a previous negative perception, but which is in fact pharmacologically (medicinally) inactive.

How What Could've Been A Run Of The Mill Internet Scam Became A Charitable Moment

How What Could've Been A Run Of The Mill Internet Scam Became A Charitable Moment Doing the whole "waste a scammer's time" thing can come off as a little self-serving. In this instance, both parties learned a little more about the kindness of strangers from each other. October 22, 2017 at 04:12PM

Article of the day for October 23, 2017

Article of the day is Blackbeard. Check it out:

How What Could've Been A Run Of The Mill Internet Scam Became A Charitable Moment

How What Could've Been A Run Of The Mill Internet Scam Became A Charitable Moment

California Restaurant Admits It's Been Serving Popeyes Chicken for Months

California Restaurant Admits It's Been Serving Popeyes Chicken for Months