
Picture of the day for March 16, 2018

Picture of the day on March 16, 2018: Eastern wing of the General Staff Building in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Picture of the day for March 16, 2018

Eastern wing of the General Staff Building in Saint Petersburg, Russia..

This Multibillion-Dollar Corporation Is Controlled By A Penniless Yoga Superstar

This Multibillion-Dollar Corporation Is Controlled By A Penniless Yoga Superstar

Surgeon Dunks On BS Medicine Shown In Film And TV

Surgeon Dunks On BS Medicine Shown In Film And TV Annie Onishi, a general surgery resident at Columbia University, has little patience for shows that showcase bad medecine — some, however, do manage to get it right. March 15, 2018 at 07:30PM

glower: Word of the day for March 16, 2018

Word of the day is glower : (intransitive) To look or stare with anger.

Surgeon Dunks On BS Medicine Shown In Film And TV

Surgeon Dunks On BS Medicine Shown In Film And TV

This Multibillion-Dollar Corporation Is Controlled By A Penniless Yoga Superstar

This Multibillion-Dollar Corporation Is Controlled By A Penniless Yoga Superstar Baba Ramdev renounced the material world. So why is he selling toothpaste, instant noodles and toilet cleaner?