
sylvan: Word of the day for March 21, 2018

Word of the day is sylvan : Pertaining to the forest, or woodlands. Residing in a forest or wood. Wooded, or covered in forest. Today is commemorated by the United Nations as the International Day of Forests to raise awareness of the importance of forests, and trees outside forests, for the benefit of current and future generations.

Math Teacher Challenges Students To Solve A Problem Faster Than Him With Their Calculators, Easily Wins With A Simple Trick

Math Teacher Challenges Students To Solve A Problem Faster Than Him With Their Calculators, Easily Wins With A Simple Trick

sylvan: Word of the day for March 21, 2018

sylvan , adj : Pertaining to the forest, or woodlands. Residing in a forest or wood. Wooded, or covered in forest. Today is commemorated by the United Nations as the International Day of Forests to raise awareness of the importance of forests, and trees outside forests, for the benefit of current and future generations.

Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe How seriously should you take those recent reports of UFOs? Ask the Pentagon. Or read this primer for the SETI-curious.

Article of the day for March 21, 2018

Article of the day is Capella. Check it out:

Article of the day for March 21, 2018

The Article of the day for March 21, 2018 is Capella . Capella is a star system of four stars in the constellation of Auriga, appearing as a single star to the naked eye. It is the third-brightest star or star system in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus and Vega. Always above the horizon for observers north of 44°N, the Capella system is only 42.9 light-years from the Sun. Its two largest stars are Capella Aa and Capella Ab, bright yellow giant stars in a binary pair, both around 2.5 times as massive as the Sun. They are in a very tight circular 104-day orbit, some 0.76 astronomical units (au) apart. Capella Aa is the cooler and more luminous of the two, with around 79 times the Sun's luminosity. An ageing red clump star, it is fusing helium to carbon and oxygen in its core. Ab is slightly less massive, smaller and hotter, about 73 times as luminous as the Sun. The Capella system is one of the brightest sources of X-rays in the sky, thought to come primarily from t...

Math Teacher Challenges Students To Solve A Problem Faster Than Him With Their Calculators, Easily Wins With A Simple Trick

Math Teacher Challenges Students To Solve A Problem Faster Than Him With Their Calculators, Easily Wins With A Simple Trick If you want to blow your friends' minds, do this trick with them but don't explain how you did it. March 20, 2018 at 02:09PM