Picture of the day on November 16, 2017: The Kinkaku-ji, or temple of the Golden Pavillion, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Kyoto, Japan, as seen during Koyo, the autumnal season of colorful leaves.
On December 7, 2018 at 08:33AM, made an edit the Article on Google . The edit was about rmv - WP:CITESPAM of low-quality sources, not a venue to parrot company PR announcements, WP:NOTNEWS.
Melissa McCarthy Brings Sean Spicer Back To His Roots As The Easter Bunny For 'SNL' Yes, Spicer really was the White House Easter Bunny a while back. Given his slip ups this week, one wonders if he should've stayed in the bunny suit. April 16, 2017 at 04:40PM
What Students in Europe Learn That Americans Don't The American public school system is a bureaucracy devoted to teaching kids how to game standardized tests in order to secure more government funding to then teach kids how to score even higher on those tests. March 16, 2016 at 03:42PM
United Employees Can No Longer Displace Boarded Passengers It’s one of the most obviously-needed corporate policy changes in history, but the damage to the company may already be done.